
19131 - Spiritual Cinema
19375 - Medieval Heresies and Heretics
19381 - Ploughshares into Swords: Jan Zizka, and the Hussite Wars of Religion, 1419-1485
19578 - Keeping a Journal
19620 - Masculinity in Greek Mythology
19656 - Norse Mythology
19671 - Poems for the Joys and Sorrows of Life’s Journey
19804 - The Great Mother Goddess Around the World
19807 - Celtic Animals of Myth and History
19809 - Mary Magdalene -- Who Was She?
19813 - Buddhism
19814 - The Power of Sound at Ancient Sacred Sites
19815 - Aristotle and the Performance Arts: The Poetics and the Rhetoric
19816 - An Introduction to Philosophical Ethics
19817 - Buber and Heschel: Great Minds of the 20th Century
19818 - The Enneagram of Personality: An Introductory Course
19826 - Spiritual Awakening
19828 - An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religions
19829 - The Lost Tomb of Jesus
19831 - The Zen of Thich Nhat Hanh
19835 - Taoism
19836 - Socrates and the Search for Truth in Today's Culture
19838 - Forgiveness
19839 - Eckhart Tolle and Byron Katie
19842 - The Possible Elder: Conscious Aging and Spiritual Development in the Later Years of Life
19844 - Living With Wisdom Through Philosophy
19846 - Cradle of the Gods: Göbekli Tepe
19848 - A Study of Plato’s Dialogues
19862 - Unravelling the Mysteries of your Dreams
19876 - An Introduction to the Life and Thought of Soren Kierkegaard
19882 - The Philosophy of Human Nature
19883 - Mystics, Saints and Sages
19887 - The Philosophy of History
19888 - Approaching Death and Dying
19889 - A Taste of Judaism
19896 - Megaliths and Constellations
19902 - India: Land of Contrasts
19928 - A Kierkegaard Primer
19929 - Islam 101: Not Just the 5 Pillars!
19935 - World Religions
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