
Course Overview

Who were those Neolithic people who built tens of thousands of stone monuments in Ireland, Britain and Brittany? How did they organize communities to build massive ceremonial centers more than 5000 years ago? We will explore the driving forces that kept this level of construction going for generations. Were they built to appease deities or forces of Nature? We will visit huge sites such as Newgrange and Loughcrew in Ireland, Castlerigg and Avebury in England, and Carnac in Brittany – and see what the stones might be telling us.
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Additional Information

Proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test is no longer required for entry. Masks are recommended.

A current OLLI Membership is required to register for this course, please click here to add to your cart. Please purchase one membership per account.

This class is eligible for UNM Tuition Remission under Personal Enrichment.

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