Order an official transcript of coursework

Official Transcript Request $10.00
Official Transcript request

Other Items for Purchase

Certificate Reprint Request $10.00
To request a certificate reprint or a printed copy, you will need to pay the $10 fee AND submit this form. Allow 3-5 business days for processing.
$10 OLLI Donation $10.00
$10 OLLI @ UNM Donation
$25 OLLI Donation $25.00
$25 OLLI @ UNM Donation
$50 OLLI Donation $50.00
$50 OLLI @ UNM Donation
$100 OLLI Donation $100.00
$100 OLLI @ UNM Donation
$500 OLLI Donation $500.00
$500 OLLI @ UNM Donation
$1000 OLLI Donation $1,000.00
$1000 OLLI @ UNM Donation
CEU Application Fee $200.00
Application fee that goes along with CEU Application Form
Conference: Copies $0.05
Conference Center add on - .05/per page for copies.
$5 OLLI Donation $5.00
$5 OLLI @ UNM Donation
2025 OLLI Membership $20.00

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute

Membership in the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at UNM allows adults 50 and better to choose from a diverse set of thought-provoking courses taught year round by current and emeritus University of New Mexico faculty members and renowned experts from the local community. The emphasis of the academically-based, daytime, evening and weekend courses is on building an accessible and affordable experience of the best of the University's learning environment. There are no entrance requirements, no tests, and no grades. In fact, no college background is needed at all — it's your love of learning that counts. Your 2025 OLLI Membership is good for courses that run January - December 2025.

2025 Perspectives Conference $650.00
$1 OLLI Donation $1.00
$1 OLLI @ UNM Donation
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