
Course Overview

Several years ago, I was quietly sitting bedside with Roger, a close friend of mine. He was evidently passing through a difficult stage of the dying process, since he was highly agitated although he did not open his eyes. Fortunately, another friend had given me an excellent book by Denys Cope, titled Dying: A Natural Process. I located the section that satisfactorily described what I was observing with my friend. This removed some of the anxiety associated with this ancient mystery. We will read and discuss what various cultures have taught us about dying and death.  Class members will have an opportunity to share their experiences with this mystery. What about near-death experiences? Are there individuals who have traveled to the other side and returned to report about their experiences?  I recommend writings by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross who has written a number of books about death, including Death: The Final Stage of Growth. I will provide relevant readings and structure the class around topics that the class finds interesting and timely.
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Proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test is no longer required for entry. Masks are recommended.

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