
Course Overview

Collaborative practice is the self-reflective process involved in developing authentic partnerships. This interdisciplinary course is designed to support students to become responsive family and community leaders within their communities and organizations. Within this course we will explore the question: how can we strengthen family and community wellness through intentional participatory leadership? We will examine underlying ways of thinking and supportive approaches for creating cultures of collaboration within organizations and communities. This course will provide students hands-on exploration of research in leadership development; community and family engagement; individual, organization, and community wellness; and strength-based facilitation skills and practices.

What You'll Learn


Cultivate and implement collaborative leadership skills such as deep listening, dialogue, facilitation, engaging in reflective practice, and engaging in culturally responsive practice. Students will a. summarize the benefits of collaborative leadership b. design appropriate active, interactive, or collaborative leadership

Who Should Attend

Early Childhood Educators, Early Childhood Professionals, Family and Child Studies Professionals.

Additional Information

Each leadership professional development course provides different ways of thinking about leadership in relation to others and taking each professional development course within the leadership area will help to orient the student towards leadership in a variety of capacities.

Must receive an 80% or better on all knowledge checks to receive a Certificate of Completion.

Each leadership professional development course provides different ways of thinking about leadership in relation to others and taking each professional development course within the leadership area will help to orient the student towards leadership in a variety of capacities.
Thank you for your interest in this course. This course is not currently open for enrollment. Please complete a Course Inquiry so that we may promptly notify you when enrollment opens.

This course is offered through UNM College of Education & Human Sciences.

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