
Course Overview

Aerial Photography and Image Processing program offers students a comprehensive understanding of capturing aerial photos using drones and utilizing advanced image processing technologies for image interpretation. Through a combination of theoretical knowledge and hands-on learning activities, students will have the opportunity to operate drones, capture high-quality aerial photographs, and utilize advanced techniques for image analysis. The course emphasizes hands-on learning, enabling students to gain practical experience in analyzing aerial images and extracting valuable information from them. By the end of the course, students are equipped with the expertise to effectively utilize aerial photography and image processing in various fields, such as vegetation management, environmental monitoring, land surveying, and infrastructure condition assessment. 

The learning objectives of an aerial photography and image processing course may include:

1. Understanding the principles of aerial photography: Learn the fundamental concepts of aerial photography, including camera settings, image composition, and flight planning.

2. Drone operation and safety: Gain knowledge of drone operation, flight regulations, safety protocols, and best practices for flying drones in various environments.

3. Aerial image acquisition: Learn techniques for capturing high-quality aerial images using drones, including flight maneuvers, camera settings, and image stabilization.

4. Image processing software: Become proficient in using image processing software tools to enhance, edit, and manipulate aerial images, applying techniques such as color correction, image stitching, and perspective correction.

5. Georeferencing and spatial analysis: Explore georeferencing techniques to assign spatial coordinates to aerial images and perform spatial analysis, including measurements, distance calculation, and feature extraction.

6. Image interpretation and analysis: Develop skills in interpreting aerial images to identify and analyze objects, features, and patterns, such as land cover classification, vegetation analysis, or infrastructure assessment.

7. Data management and documentation: Learn strategies for organizing, storing, and managing aerial image datasets, as well as creating metadata and documentation for image collections.

8. Ethical and legal considerations: Be introduced to ethical considerations and legal requirements related to aerial photography, including, privacy concerns, copyright issues, and compliance with local regulations.

What You'll Learn

1. Practical skills development: Gain hands-on experience in operating drones, capturing aerial images, and processing them using image processing software. These practical skills are highly relevant in various industries, such as environmental monitoring, urban planning, agriculture, and surveying.

2. Career opportunities: With the growing demand for professionals skilled in drone technology and image processing, students who complete the class will have an advantage in pursuing careers in fields such as remote sensing, Geospatial analysis, GIS, surveying, or aerial photography.

3. Enhanced data analysis capabilities: By learning how to interpret and analyze aerial images, you will develop a deeper understanding of spatial data and its potential applications. In addition, you will gain insights into different image analysis techniques, enabling them to extract valuable information and make informed decisions based on the analyzed data. 

4. Understanding remote sensing principles: This class provides you with a foundation in remote sensing principles, including the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with different surfaces and the interpretation of multispectral and hyperspectral data. This knowledge can be applied to other remote sensing technologies and applications beyond aerial photography. 

5. Collaboration and teamwork: You will have opportunities to work on group projects or engage in collaborative activities, fostering teamwork and communication skills. This collaborative environment helps develop critical skills for the workplace, where teamwork and effective communication are often essential.

6. Professional networking: Connect with industry professionals, guest speakers, or potential employers. Networking can lead to internships, job opportunities, and valuable connections in geospatial and remote sensing communities. 


Continuous internet access, PC (Windows 10 or later) or MAC, and microphone are required to attend the Live Online session. Webcam is recommended.

Participants will need to download Agisoft Metashape software. It requires a desktop or laptop to run and is compatible with Windows, Linux, and Mac operating systems. The instructor will guide you through the software in the first session.

Recommend using the latest version of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge browsers.
Thank you for your interest in this course. This course is not currently open for enrollment. Please complete a Course Inquiry so that we may promptly notify you when enrollment opens.

UNM Tuition Remission

UNM Staff, Faculty, and Retirees: This course is Tuition Remission eligible under Professional Development. For more information, visit the UNM Tuition Remission information page.

JTA Funding Opportunity

Full funding for this program is available through Job Training Albuquerque. Eligibility requirements include: Must be an employee of a business with less than 500 employees, headquartered within the Albuquerque city limits. To learn more about JTA funding, click here.

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