Substance Abuse Studies
Substance Abuse Studies Training Program (SASTP)
This is a comprehensive professional training program in substance abuse studies to provide you with the knowledge and tools needed to work with clients and assist those in recovery. Our instructors are licensed counselors and experts in their field. Our program and courses are National Association for Addiction Professionals (NAADAC) approved.
The NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board recognizes NAADAC approved programs for counseling licenses. Course hours are applicable for most behavioral health and social work credentials or licenses.
The program is designed for:
- Those interested Substance Abuse Counseling
- Those who want to become licensed Addiction Counselors (LSAA or LADAC)
- Currently licensed counselors or those working in the behavioral health field who want additional training or are in need of license renewal hours
Due to the intensity and nature of our program, we request that those in recovery have been sober for a minimum of one year before taking courses. Some may find it more helpful to have two or more years in recovery. These courses are not intended as part of a recovery program to support participant sobriety or as a replacement for therapy.
Those seeking licensure (LSAA & LADAC), the NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board requires an Associate’s degree or greater in counseling or a counseling related field. Please check the requirements on their website or contact the board directly.
UNM Continuing Education does not require a degree, however for those who do not have an Associate’s degree, we recommend one pursues this either before or during your coursework at UNM Continuing Education. Those who hold an unrelated degree (liberal arts, etc.), the Board allows this degree along with 12 college credit hours (4 courses) in substance use disorder specific courses.