
Course Overview

Relational work is very personal, and every individual will work relationally in a different and subjective way. This course will help you bring your authentic self to your teaching. Discovering who you are relationally can help you then foster that discovery in others.

Participants will engage in an in-depth analysis of their personal relational mindset, as they gain knowledge on how to practice and maintain this. A relational mindset will help any educator increase the engagement of learners, families, and everyone within a school’s orbit.

What You'll Learn

  • Understand the transformative power of putting the relationship first in teaching and learning
  • Better value the connections and relationships they have with students, fellow teachers, and families
  • Co-Create positive relationships with students, schools and within their community


Who Should Attend

Any person who works within the field of education is sure to find this course helpful and interesting. Teachers especially will discover so many strategies and tools to implement in their daily work with their students. If you find yourself especially interested in those around you and how the relationships you build with them impact the progress you make together, this course is for you!

Additional Information

Participants must engage with at least 85% of all content including videos, readings, and assignments to receive a Certificate of Completion.

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Start Now, you have 30 days to complete this course once enrolled.
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
Fee non-credit $425.00
Drop Request Deadline
No drop request allowed after enrollment
Transfer Request Deadline
No transfer request allowed after enrollment
Section Notes
This is an online self-paced course and you will have 30 days to complete, after your enrollment.

This course is offered through UNM College of Education & Human Sciences.

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