
Course Overview

Think of World War II and you probably envision Dunkirk, Pearl Harbor, and D-Day. Churchill, Patton and Eisenhower loom large. But how were average people coping? What adjustments changed their lives? Did you know that sliced bread could no longer be sold legally and housewives saved bacon fat to make bombs? Meet George the electrician’s mate with a service number and his official health card with his photo in uniform. George was a cat serving on the USS North Carolina Battleship. What’s the connection between the toy called a slinky and the balance on battleships? Before drones dropped bombs, bats did. What about gas masks for babies? Join us for creative - and some very strange - everyday parts of World War II. This is part of a series entitled Secrets of World War II.

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Proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test is no longer required for entry. Masks are recommended.

A current OLLI Membership is required to register for this course, please click here to add to your cart. Please purchase one membership per account.

This class is eligible for UNM Tuition Remission under Personal Enrichment.

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