
Course Overview

An old legend describes giants using these two rocky islands, facing each other across the English Channel, as stepping stones. Mont Saint-Michel and St. Michael’s Mount have identical names, look similar, and both are fortified bastions topped by a church. How do their histories differ - one in France and the other in England? Many hilltops in England and France were named for St. Michael the dragon slayer, as Christianity spread and overtook former sacred sites. These two rocky outposts share legends of giants and tales of vanished kingdoms under the seas. Come delve into the Mysteries of the Mounts.

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Additional Information

Proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test is no longer required for entry. Masks are recommended.

A current OLLI Membership is required to register for this course, please click here to add to your cart. Please purchase one membership per account.

This class is eligible for UNM Tuition Remission under Personal Enrichment.

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