
Course Overview

This course focuses on trauma-informed and trauma responsive approaches to instruction. Participants will examine their current teaching practices and identify trauma-informed and responsive teaching strategies that support student learning and success.

What You'll Learn

1. Review the impact of trauma on learning.

2. Identify trauma-informed and trauma responsive approach to instruction.

3. Identify shifts in instruction that support trauma-informed and trauma responsive learning experiences for students.

4. Create a plan for implementing trauma-informed teaching practices.

Who Should Attend

Educators, Teacher Leaders, EAs, Aspiring Educators, Educators in Training, Student Educators

Additional Information

Must receive 80% or greater on all knowledge checks, to receive Certificate of Completion.
Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Start Now, you have 90 days to complete this course once enrolled.
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
Fee non-credit $350.00
Drop Request Deadline
No drop request allowed after enrollment
Transfer Request Deadline
No transfer request allowed after enrollment
Section Notes
This is a self-paced course and you will have 90 days to complete after enrollment.

This course is offered through UNM College of Education & Human Sciences. Programs are UNM tuition remission eligible.

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