10703 - Beginning Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) and Fitness for Women
Course Overview
Curious about Mixed Martial Arts? Interested in building stamina, fitness and balance? In this course, you'll learn the basic skills of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). We will cover striking/kickboxing, grappling and jiu-jitsu fundamentals. Program includes a half hour lesson in the basics of MMA(required), and four MMA classes focused on ground instruction per month. Free Fit 2 Hit classes are included to support your skills development. All Saturday morning striking classes and Sunday afternoon Yoga classes are also included.
MMA/Fitness package classes are Thursdays 4:45pm to 5:45pm
The Fit 2 Hit classes are: Mon, 5:30pm to 6:30pm, Tues, 5:30pm to 6:30pm, Wednesday evenings 5:30-6:30pm, Thursday 5:45pm to 6:45pm
Saturday morning striking class is 10:30am to 11:30am.
Yoga is Sundays beginning Feb 11th 3 to 4pm
What You'll Learn
- Understand and learn the basics of MMA
- Learn the basics of striking/kickboxing, grappling and jiu-jitsu fundamentals.
- Increase your stamina, fitness and balance.
Who Should Attend
This is an introductory course for women interested in mixed martial arts. No experience necessary.
Additional Information
Please note: Gear purchase is required for this course (boxing gloves, MMA gloves, boxing gloves, shin guards and a mouth guard, cost approx. $145). While gear may be purchased elsewhere, Smart Girl Self Defense offers 10% student discount on gear purchased through them as well as providing guidance on proper size/weights of gloves regardless of where gear is purchased.
Class Location:
Smart Girl Self Defense by Jackson Wink
7610 Carmel Ave NE Ste D, Albuquerque, NM
Safety Information
Participation is at your own risk. Please consult your physician before beginning any exercise program.
UNM Tuition Remission
UNM Staff, Faculty, and Retirees: This class is eligible for UNM Tuition Remission under Personal Enrichment (Health & Fitness). Click here to see UNM HR's Tuition Remission for eligibility and tax liabilities.