
Course Overview

With nuclear and radiological materials poised to play a significant role in national and international plans to develop safe, secure, clean, and affordable power, and in scientific and medical innovation, it is critical that facility designers, operators, and regulators understand concepts for engineering systems design & analysis. This course, part of the UNM Nuclear Security Program, was developed to ensure that the next generation of experts are prepared for the challenges of this growing, global industry.

This course serves as an advanced comprehensive study of the principles, concepts, technologies, and practices used in designing and analyzing nuclear security systems. Design applications will include traditional nuclear power plants, small modular reactors, research reactors, and fuel processing plants, in both domestic and international contexts. In addition, this course aims to emulate a typical security engineer’s working environment.

Participants will explore interdisciplinary engineering methods to address problems with no closed-form solutions and develop sufficient, practical security solutions for critical nuclear infrastructure.

What You'll Learn

This course will improve your abilities to design and analyze security systems for nuclear facilities using the following aspects:

  • Knowledge: Learn advanced principles and concepts/processes for engineering security system design, the concepts needed for analyzing security systems, and will apply engineering design and analysis processes to security systems.
  • Skills: Become skilled in designing security systems for various nuclear facilities, applying security systems analysis processes, and with security system design and analysis software.
  • Values: Discuss the importance of performance measure tradeoffs in security system design and appreciate the importance of considering diverse perspectives for security systems used at nuclear fuel cycle facilities.

Who Should Attend

This course is intended for early-to mid-career professionals who are interested in engineering careers within the global nuclear industry.


Additional Information

Must attend 80% of sessions and watching video(s) can substitute for missed sessions to receive Certificate of Completion.


Participants are recommended to have completed at least one engineering design project and have a working knowledge of the nuclear fuel cycle and reactor facilities.  Participants who do not fit this recommended criteria, particularly those outside of engineering disciplines, will be considered on a case-by-case basis and will be referred to pre-learning material as a self-study primer. Contact the instructor for further guidance, aevans@sandia.gov


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This course is offered through UNM Nuclear Engineering.

The UNM Nuclear Security Program was developed to ensure that the next generation of nuclear security experts are prepared for the challenges of this growing, global industry.

The program is in partnership with UNM Nuclear Engineering, the U.S. Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration Office of International Nuclear Security (NNSA-INS) and experts from Sandia, Los Alamos, and Idaho National Laboratories.  

UNM Staff, Faculty and Retirees can use their Tuition Remission benefit on professional development programs.

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