
Course Overview

Creativity is at the heart of personal and professional success. It makes us more resilient and allows us to tackle life challenges and achieve our goals. It’s never too late to awaken your creative potential, connect to your source of inspiration and create something new. Writing is a powerful tool for exploration, self-expression, and personal and professional development. You don’t need to put your work into the public eye to benefit from following the quiet “nudges” from your Creative Self. 

If you’re interested in transitioning to writing fiction, memoir, or nonfiction, or just want to enhance your creativity, learning to trust the creative impulse and develop habits that nurture it are critical. Your Creative Self has something to say. You can live your best life by listening to that inner wisdom.

Taught by Carol March, published author of novels, short stories, essays, and self-help books on creativity and personal development. Suggested text: When Spirit Whispers Workbook of prompts and exercises, available on Amazon and from the instructor. 

What You'll Learn

  • Learn simple practices and tools for creative living they can use in everyday life
  • Use a journaling practice to explore their creative expression and connect with their source of inspiration
  • Practice creativity exercises and prompts in class and homework assignments to reinforce lesson objectives 
  • Gain confidence in their ability to express themselves
  • Learn how to transition from personal expression to other forms of writing

Who Should Attend

Are you interested in learning to be more creative, deepening your connection to your own inner wisdom, and exploring self-expression? This is the class for you.
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UNM Tuition Remission

UNM Staff, Faculty, and Retirees: This class is eligible for UNM Tuition Remission under Personal Enrichment. Click here to see UNM HR's Tuition Remission policy for eligibility and tax liabilities.

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