
Course Overview

This is a 24-week fitness program that includes a membership to New Mexico Sports and Wellness. The typical price for a gym membership and a similar course would be close to $2,000. 

This online class occurs weekly on Zoom, each Tuesday from 12:30 – 1:30pm. Sign up for the course and attend your Tuesday class. Half of this 60 minute session will be devoted to an educational program and in the second half, we’ll get you moving with a graduated fitness, yoga or mediation activity. Then utilize the facilities on your own schedule at Sports and Wellness locations around the city to reinforce what you’ve learned.

Please be advised that there will be no class on Tuesday, April 22, 2025, due to the University of New Mexico Continuing Education hosting the Perspectives - A Conference Different. See more: 2025 Perspectives - A Conference Different

This is a unique program to keep you apprised of the latest exercise, nutrition, health and mindfulness research and inspired to maintain your peak fitness!

Want a longer course? Check out our 48-week program!

What You'll Learn

The goal of this program is to improve each student’s quality of life by examining a comprehensive picture of health through the connection of mind & body. A permanent lifestyle change, rather than a short-term fix, must incorporate facets of mental, physical and emotional well-being. This philosophy will be introduced in order to realize physical, emotional and mental growth and improvement.

Who Should Attend

This course is appropriate for all fitness levels. Please check with your doctor before beginning any fitness program.

Additional Information

Please allow 48 - 72 hours following class registration for activation of club access. Please note: no refunds will be issued once club access is activated.

Class registrants have access to all clubs:

  • Del Norte Sports & Wellness, 7120 Wyoming NE, 87109
  • Downtown Sports & Wellness, 40 First Plaza NW, 87102
  • Highpoint Sports & Wellness, 4300 Landau NE, 87111
  • Midtown Sports & Wellness, 4100 Prospect NE, 87110
  • Riverpoint Sports & Wellness, 9190 Coors Blvd NW, 87120


"I have been a staff member of UNM for over 28 years and this class has changed my life. Before I committed myself to this program, I was just another frustrated sedentary person who spent all day behind a computer screen.

Now, I am full of energy and creativity, thanks to changing things like my diet, exercise and lifestyle. I may be getting older but thanks to this class, I'm actually getting better!

I start off the morning by visiting "The Club," doing my exercises and spending some time in the steam room and hot tub. I also attend a one-hour yoga class twice a week and I work with a trainer who has helped cure a horrible case of plantar fasciitis and is helping correct my posture.

All the above is reinforced by an (optional) one-hour class that takes a hard look at things like nutrition, exercise and workouts among other things. I may be 66 years old but this class has probably added 20 years to my life and changed my entire outlook on health in general."

-Charles Reuben (Class Participant)

“Jessica, the course's instructor, is very thorough in her delivery. She ensured that students at all levels can benefit from each session. Plus, the Sports and Wellness clubs are the best gyms in town. They have a variety of high quality, comfortable to use machines/equipment, and the membership gives you the freedom to experience all they have to offer because you are allowed to visit any of their five locations on your schedule!”

-Toby Ngo (Class Participant)

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Live Online
12:30PM to 1:30PM
Feb 18, 2025 to Jul 29, 2025
Contact Hours
  • Online
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
fee non-credit $710.00
Drop Request Deadline
Feb 15, 2025
Transfer Request Deadline
Feb 15, 2025
  • New Mexico Sports & Wellness
  • New Mexico Sports & Wellness
Section Notes
Please be advised that there will be no class on Tuesday, April 22, 2025, due to the University of New Mexico Continuing Education hosting the Perspectives - A Conference Different. See more: 2025 Perspectives - A Conference Different

Safety Information

Participation is at your own risk. Please consult your physician before beginning any exercise program.

UNM Tuition Remission

UNM Staff, Faculty, and Retirees: This class is eligible for UNM Tuition Remission under Personal Enrichment (Health & Fitness). Click here to see UNM HR's Tuition Remission for eligibility and tax liabilities.

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