9626 - Conversational Spanish Part II
Course Overview
Continue the conversations you started in Conversational Spanish Part I. We’ll focus on communication, learn a variety of verb tenses, and practice using our vocabulary in the daily situations you may encounter. We’ll work in small groups using advanced grammar and vocabulary. We’ll read and discuss short stories and timely articles in this dynamic and lively class.
Note: This is not a beginning level class. Taking Spanish I and II and Conversational Spanish I before enrolling in this class is required.
Recommended Material for this section:
IMPRESIONES A2 by Sgel, ele.
May be purchased on Amazon or from the vendor:
Daniel Eastman
Sgel Books
1 847 676 7595
What You'll Learn
- You'll be confident in discussing articles, movies and holidays and be able to maintain your end in a conversation with a friend or new acquaintance.
- You'll be able to discuss news, weather, hobbies, family, friends and relationships.
- You'll be comfortable talking about travel, your hobbies and future plans and goals.
Who Should Attend
Students who successfully completed Conversational Spanish Part I or possess equivalent intermediate-advanced conversational Spanish language skills. This is not a beginning level class.UNM Tuition Remission
UNM Staff, Faculty, and Retirees: This course is Tuition Remission eligible under Professional Development. For more information, visit the UNM Tuition Remission information page. To see UNM HR's Tuition Remission for eligibility and tax liabilities, click here