
Course Overview

Never tried painting, but always wanted to? This class is for you! This painting class is designed for people who have no previous painting experience. The most important objective of the class is to be in a comfortable, stress-free environment with other beginning painters. Learn to understand basic principles of color and applying paint to canvas. The emphasis of the class will be creativity not technique. Painters will work from their own photographs or ideas. We will explore personal-painting genres, mood, imagination and how they can be used to create a successful painting. No drawing experience is necessary. Learn through help of in-class demonstrations and one-on-one artistic advice from the instructor. A supply list is online.

What You'll Learn

  • Learn to be comfortable with a creative process
  •  Develop a beginning understanding of color
  •  Understand using acrylic paint on canvas
  •  Create a successful painting

Who Should Attend

This class is for you! This class is designed for people who have no previous painting experience. 

Additional Information

Materials List for Painting for the Complete Beginner

Acrylic Paint

Academy, Artist Loft or Liquitex Basic are good paints for beginners. A 2 oz. tube is approximately $5.00

1-2oz. tube cadmium yellow

1-2oz. tube cadmium red

1-2oz. tube cobalt blue or ultramarine blue

1-2oz. tube violet/purple

1-2oz. tube turquoise/teal/aqua

1-4 oz. tube Liquitex Basic titanium white, approximately $7.00

1 small tube black


Six stretched canvases, 11”h x 14”w


Package of approximately 5-10 acrylic brushes, including both round and flat brushes, approximately $7-10, a two inch wall painter’s brush, $2.00-$3.00.  Do not buy expensive brushes.

Artist Color Wheel, $3-5 depending on size. Try to buy one locally.


Also bring:

• 1 roll of paper towels

• 1 small plastic or metal palette knife

• 2 containers for water (plastic cups are fine)

• Small bar of soap to clean brushes

• 1 #2 pencil

• Small spray bottle

• 1 12-inch or 18-inch ruler

• Disposable palette paper, wax paper, or white paper plates (ideally coated in plastic)

• Wear old clothes and shoes. You will always get paint on your clothes.

The first class is the most important one. Don’t miss it.



Thank you for your interest in this course. This course is not currently open for enrollment. Please complete a Course Inquiry so that we may promptly notify you when enrollment opens.

UNM Tuition Remission

UNM Staff, Faculty, and Retirees: This class is eligible for UNM Tuition Remission under Personal Enrichment. Click here to see UNM HR's Tuition Remission policy for eligibility and tax liabilities.

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