9607 - German I
Course Overview
Explore the language, culture, and history of Germany and its people in a relaxed, fun atmosphere. Using a variety of exercises and small group activities, you’ll learn basic German vocabulary and sentence structure. You’ll also practice simple conversations and learn survival tips for travel in a foreign country.What You'll Learn
- Be knowledgeable about the roots of the German language, explore the culture and history of German speaking countries
- Learn basic vocabulary, simple conversations and how to successfully navigate “survival situations“
- Learn basic German vocabulary and phrases through variety of activities
Who Should Attend
This class is for beginning language learners.Additional Information
Required text is Kontakte 6th edition, McGraw Hill, Terrell, & et al low-cost option. Please contact instructor to order. Email the instructor for a low-cost textbook at valhalla83@hotmail.com.
"Rosa is a great Professor. She is very friendly, personable and thorough with her teachings. I really enjoyed learning German. Rosa made the learning experience fun, interactive, interesting and challenging in a good way."-Theresa Clay
UNM Tuition Remission
UNM Staff, Faculty, and Retirees: This course is Tuition Remission eligible under Professional Development. For more information, visit the UNM Tuition Remission information page. To see UNM HR's Tuition Remission for eligibility and tax liabilities, click here