2173 - Three Techniques with Pastels
Course Overview
Learn to paint with chalk pastels. You will learn three techniques in this class. Layering colors and light produces fantastic art work.
What You'll Learn
- Learn the importance of values and color
- Learn how to layer pastels
- Learn how to critique artworks, be able to provide and receive constructive feedback on your works and others
Who Should Attend
This class is appropriate for anyone who wants to work with pastels, beginner to intermediate.Additional Information
Supply List:
- 1 set of hard or soft chalk pastels with at least 8 colors. More colors are encouraged!
- 1 set of color gray values (it’s a small box with white to black pastels, grays in the middle)
- 1 Canson mi Teintes (or the equivalent) Pastel Paper (burgundy, bright red, or medium-dark brown); no white, black or light colored paper, please. The size is quite large(19 3/4" x 25 1/2") but we will be trimming it. Please do not cut or tear the paper.
- Paper Towels
- Tortillions (also called “stumps”)
- 1 package very fine grit, wet/dry sandpaper, 600 grit. Size is 9 x 11”
- Fixative
- 1 container of Rubbing Alcohol without glycerin
- Several small stiff paint brushes (flats)
- Masonite Backing - 16" x 20"
- Small cups (bathroom cup size) for holding small amounts of rubbing alcohol
- Masking tape
Cost of supplies is approximately $40
Having the right materials is important for a good outcome. Suggest ordering from these two locations: https://www.artisansantafe.com and https://www.dickblick.com
UNM Tuition Remission
UNM Staff, Faculty, and Retirees: This class is eligible for UNM Tuition Remission under Personal Enrichment. Click here to see UNM HR's Tuition Remission policy for eligibility and tax liabilities.