
Course Overview

This Bicycle Mechanics Course is designed to teach basic skills for the novice and advanced cyclists that wants to learn some basic bicycle care. This is a great class to help you become more self-sufficient with your bike. Students will learn to properly clean the bike, clean and lube the chain, learn to make minor adjustments, and to change, repair and make tire thorn resistant.   Note: A materials fee of $10 is payable to the instructor at the first class. Basic tools, lubes, cleaners, etc., and several work stands are provided. However, if you wish to practice with your own tools you can bring them. Please bring a drop cloth for your work area (painter's drop cloth, blanket or similar to absorb any fluids and protect the floor) and a familiar bike that you use to clean, adjust, and change a tire. Please NO “project” bikes! We have a limited amount of time and repair resources.   Feel free to bring food and beverages to class. This class is about learning the about the bike and having fun!

What You'll Learn

  • Learn to properly clean your bike and clean and lube the chain
  • Learn to make minor adjustments
  • Learn to change, repair and make your tires thorn-resistant

Who Should Attend

Novice to advanced cyclists looking to be more self-sufficient with their bicycles.

Additional Information

A materials fee of $10 is payable to the instructor at the first session. Basic tools, lubes, cleaners, etc., and several work stands are provided. Please bring a drop cloth for your work area (painter's drop cloth, blanket or similar) to absorb any fluids and protect the floor.

Thank you for your interest in this course. This course is not currently open for enrollment. Please complete a Course Inquiry so that we may promptly notify you when enrollment opens.

UNM Tuition Remission

UNM Staff, Faculty, and Retirees: This class is eligible for UNM Tuition Remission under Personal Enrichment. Click here to see UNM HR's Tuition Remission policy for eligibility and tax liabilities.

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